Friday, 5 September 2008

Arts Council Website Backs Celebrity Short Story Competition, the Arts Council sponsored website that helps new writers get published, is backing a competition for short stories around the theme of modern celebrity. It is linked to the publication of my novel, “The Overnight Fame of Steffi McBride”.

The site is backed by some of the biggest names in the world of publishing, editing and literary agenting and has already produced a couple of best sellers.

The Steffi McBride competition is linked to the website and I have agreed to judge the entries and help the winner to develop their 1,000 word or less story into a full-length book. The entries are already coming in and I’m hopeful that we will be able to find a future best seller amongst them. Nothing, of course, is ever certain in the publishing world, as we all know only too well, but it seems to me that is providing pretty much the best opportunity around for new talent in search of free mentoring.

Steffi McBride herself is due to be published on Monday, so this is going to be a nerve-wracking weekend.

To purchase a copy of The Overnight Fame of Steffi McBride for a discounted price of £6.00 (inc p&p) please call John Blake Publishing on 0207 381 0666.

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